| About Us

Gift Cards Zone BD is an E-commerce based online shop that started its journey back in 2019. It works as a Team that is consistently trying to reach the BD market from the beginning. We entered the market with very limited resources; Started with digital game codes. Now one can find almost every type of digital code; not only game codes but also subscription cards like Google Wallets, iTunes, PSN, XBOX LIVE & also from STEAMS.


At the same time, buyers have become so concerned about their purchase decisions. And we are here to make it easier for a buyer to sort out different products with an updated price list. We started with very few items & nominal supports. Our motto is to provide the best value for money and instant service which would be much more user-friendly for all of us. At the same time, our vision is to make the market Globalized & we are fighting for it. In one sentence we are here to bring the market in one place & to make it happen all we need is your constant support & patience. So be with us & give us proper feedback from time to time so that we can represent something that becomes more convenient for all sorts of users out in the Market.


Gift Cards Zone BD © 2019 - 2024